Thursday, June 16, 2016


Let's face it, you can suck your tummy in and make it look seemingly lesser but there are areas you just can't hide. One of the biggest dilemmas hounding most women is how to get rid of that extra fat around the thighs and butt. There is an entire mechanism of exercising and lifestyle changes that needs to be put in place to achieve desired results. You've got to sweat it out, burn it down and eat strategically. Some of our previous articles have already made inroads for you to get those perfectly sculpted thighs and butt. Most of us know of exercises that target a particular area or a muscle group in the body, but eventually it boils to executing the theory.
We plan to roll out a series of articles educating our readers on how to get that perfect posture or a particular exercise right. What you saw on a video or read in an article can turn out to be completely different from what you actually end up doing in real life. There is a host of things that needs to be kept in mind while undergoing any physical activity, and of course there exists the mandatory dos and don'ts you need to abide by.
This time around we shall decode for you the intricacies of regular squats and how to take them a notch higher. To quote Sana Vidyalankar, founder of Soul-to-Sole Academy, "There is nothing like squats to get your lower body in shape, they work like magic. You can play around with the number of reps you do as well as the speed at which you do them to introduce variety and more challenge in your regime."

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